Thursday, May 15, 2008

Week 5

RSS definitely help if you regularly consult several site: it provides a much quicker access to information and also a very easy way to select what you want to read ( or to not read). I selected sites in my professional field, news and entertainment sites. I did not find a lot of relevant sites in my professional field. Most of them are American and too technical.

I found that some of the Library blogs look very good and obviously people spend quiet a lot of time populating it. I do my best with this one but I know I have scope for improvment.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

As a learning diary your blog doesn't have to look fancy to be effective... one of the things I like about them is how quickly information can be published and updated. Perhaps you could challenge some of our librarians to find relevant blogs and rss feeds in your specialty area? Librarians love an information challenge!

Mylee (PLS)